
  • UserProfile


email?: string

The user's email address

emailVerified?: boolean

True if the email address is verified

firstName?: string

The user's first name

fullName?: string

The user's full name

groups?: string[]

The users list of groups from a SAML configuration

isSAMLUser?: boolean

true if the user logged in using a SAML provider

lastName?: string

The user's last name

phoneNumber?: string

The user's phone number from a SAML configuration

phoneNumberVerified?: boolean

True if the phone number is verified

picture?: string

A URL to a picture of the user

providerType?: string

Which provider was used to login

providerUserId?: string

The id of the user from the login provider

role?: string

The user's role from a SAML configuration

supervisor?: {
    email?: string;
    fullName?: string;
    providerUserId?: string;

The user's supervisor information from a SAML configuration

Type declaration

  • Optional email?: string

    The user's supervisor's full email address

  • Optional fullName?: string

    The user's supervisor's full name

  • Optional providerUserId?: string

    The user's supervisor's user id from the login provider

userId: string

The id of the user from OneBlink

username: string

The username used to login