Type alias BaseFormSubmissionApproval

BaseFormSubmissionApproval: {
    additionalNotes?: FormSubmissionApprovalNote[];
    approvalFormId?: number;
    approvalFormSubmissionId?: string;
    cannedResponseKey?: string;
    formApprovalFlowInstanceId: number;
    group: string;
    internalNotes?: string;
    notes?: string;
    notificationEmailAddress?: string[];
    preventPayment?: boolean;
    stepLabel: string;
    updatedBy?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional additionalNotes?: FormSubmissionApprovalNote[]

    The id of a form that should be submitted with approval

  • Optional approvalFormId?: number

    The id of a form that should be submitted with approval

  • Optional approvalFormSubmissionId?: string

    The id of a submission that was submitted with approval

  • Optional cannedResponseKey?: string

    Key to associate a canned response with an approval to allow for reporting

  • formApprovalFlowInstanceId: number

    The unique identifier for the FormApprovalFlowInstance of this approval flow

  • group: string

    The group assigned to the approval

  • Optional internalNotes?: string

    Internal notes that are not seen by the user that submitted the form

  • Optional notes?: string

    Notes sent to the use that submitted the form

  • Optional notificationEmailAddress?: string[]

    The email addresses of the users to be notified of the result

  • Optional preventPayment?: boolean

    Prevent the payment on a clarification request

  • stepLabel: string

    The unique label for the step

  • Optional updatedBy?: string

    The username of the user that updated the approval