Type alias IntegrationNSWGovPayPrimaryAgency<S>

IntegrationNSWGovPayPrimaryAgency<S>: {
    callingSystem: string;
    clientId: string;
    clientSecret: ConstrainedSecret<S>;
    id: string;
    isNonProd: boolean;
    jwtPublicKey: string;
    label: string;
    subAgencyCodes?: string[];

Type Parameters

Type declaration

  • callingSystem: string

    The unique identifier that NSW GovPay need to validate primary agency details

  • clientId: string

    The client identifier used for Auth2.0 authentication

  • clientSecret: ConstrainedSecret<S>

    The client secret used for Auth2.0 authentication

  • id: string

    Identifier used to link to a form payment event

  • isNonProd: boolean

    Set to true to use the non-prod version by changing the domain used for all requests to NSW GovPay.

  • jwtPublicKey: string

    The public key used to verify JSON web token to validate a payment

  • label: string

    Displayed to team members when configuring form payment events

  • Optional subAgencyCodes?: string[]

    Optional codes that will ensure the payment goes to the correct agency within NSW GovPay