NylasCalendar: {
    description: string;
    grant_id: string;
    hex_color: string;
    hex_foreground_color: string;
    id: string;
    is_owned_by_user: boolean;
    is_primary: boolean;
    location: string;
    metadata: {
        [anyKey: string]: string;
    name: string;
    object: "calendar";
    read_only: boolean;
    timezone: string;

Type declaration

  • description: string

    Calendar description: (Not supported for iCloud or EWS) A brief description of the calendar.

  • grant_id: string

    Grant ID: The ID of grant for the connected user.

  • hex_color: string

    Background color hex code: (Not supported for iCloud or EWS) The background color of the calendar, in hexadecimal format (for example, #0099EE). When empty, Nylas uses the default background color. You can set or modify this value using a PUT request only.

  • hex_foreground_color: string

    Foreground color hex code: (Google only) The foreground color of the calendar, in hexadecimal format (for example, #0099EE). When empty, Nylas uses the default foreground color. You can modify this value using a PUT request only.

  • id: string

    ID: A globally unique object identifier.

  • is_owned_by_user: boolean

    Is Owned By User: If true, indicates that the end user owns the calendar. This field cannot be modified once set.

  • is_primary: boolean

    If true, indicates that the calendar is the primary for the grant.

  • location: string

    (Not supported for iCloud or EWS) The geographic location of the calendar, as free-form text.

  • metadata: {
        [anyKey: string]: string;

    Metadata: The metadata associated with the object. For more information, see metadata.

    • [anyKey: string]: string
  • name: string

    The name of the calendar.

  • object: "calendar"

    The type of object.

  • read_only: boolean

    Read-only setting: Set by the provider. If true, indicates that the calendar is read-only. If the calendar is read-only, all of its events have read_only set to true. This field cannot be modified.

  • timezone: string

    Calendar timezone: (Google and virtual calendars only) An IANA timezone database formatted string (for example, America/New_York).