Function OneBlinkAutoSaveForm

  • This component is a drop in replacement for OneBlinkForm with the addition of auto save happening periodically to prevent users from losing submission data.

    If you need auto saving with a controlled form, see the OneBlinkFormControlled component for a full example.


    • props: OneBlinkReadOnlyFormProps & {
          abnLookupAuthenticationGuid?: string;
          attachmentRetentionInDays?: number;
          buttons?: {
              cancel?: ButtonConfiguration;
              cancelPromptNo?: ButtonConfiguration;
              cancelPromptYes?: ButtonConfiguration;
              saveDraft?: ButtonConfiguration;
              submit?: ButtonConfiguration;
          captchaSiteKey?: string;
          disabled?: boolean;
          handleNavigateAway?: (() => unknown);
          isInfoPage?: "YES" | "NO" | "CALCULATED";
          isPendingQueueEnabled: boolean;
          isPreview?: boolean;
          onCancel: (() => unknown);
          onSaveDraft?: ((newDraftSubmission) => unknown);
          onSubmit: ((newFormSubmission) => unknown);
          onUploadAttachment?: ((__namedParameters, abortSignal?) => Promise<FormSubmissionAttachment>);
      } & OneBlinkFormUncontrolledProps & {
          resumeAtElement?: FormElement;
      } & {
          autoSaveKey: string;
          removeAutoSaveDataBeforeSaveDraft?: boolean;
          removeAutoSaveDataBeforeSubmit?: boolean;

    Returns null | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>