Function useBooleanState

  • This function is a react hook for boolean state that comes with useCallbacks for 'turning on', 'turning off' and toggling the state.


    The return type of useBooleanState(true) is an array where:

    • The first item is a boolean (the state).
    • The second item is () => void (a function that sets the state to true).
    • The third item is () => void (a function that sets the state to false).
    • The fourth item is () => void (a function that toggles the state to the opposite of what it currently is).

    As such, the items in the array can be destructured and named whatever you like:

    import { useBooleanState } from '@oneblink/apps-react'

    const [dialogIsOpen, openDialog, closeDialog, toggleDialog] =

    These properties can then be used like:



    • defaultValue: boolean

    Returns [state: boolean, setTrue: (() => void), setFalse: (() => void), toggle: (() => void)]