interface BaseFormsAppEnvironment {
    description?: string;
    googleMapsIntegrationKeyId?: string;
    name: string;
    notificationEmailAddresses: string[];
    organisationId: string;
    recaptchaIntegrationDomainId?: string;
    slug: string;
    styles?: FormsAppEnvironmentStyles;

Hierarchy (view full)


description?: string
googleMapsIntegrationKeyId?: string

The id of the Google Maps integration key to be used for Google Maps elements

name: string

Name of the Forms App Environment

notificationEmailAddresses: string[]

Array of emails addresses to be notified when an error occurs in processing submission events

organisationId: string

The exact organisation identifier the forms app environment is associated with

recaptchaIntegrationDomainId?: string

The id of the recaptcha integration to be used

slug: string

Unique domain safe text to identify the forms app environment

Customise default styles and branding for apps and emails