Type alias FormSubmissionMetaResult

FormSubmissionMetaResult: {
    formApprovalFlowInstance?: FormApprovalFlowInstance;
    formSubmissionApprovals?: FormSubmissionApproval[];
    formSubmissionMeta: FormSubmissionMeta;
    formSubmissionPayments?: FormSubmissionPayment[];
    formSubmissionSchedulingBooking?: SchedulingBooking;
    formSubmissionWorkflowEvents?: FormSubmissionWorkflowEvent[];

Type declaration

  • Optional formApprovalFlowInstance?: FormApprovalFlowInstance

    The approval flow related to the submission if the form had an approval flow configured at the time of submission

  • Optional formSubmissionApprovals?: FormSubmissionApproval[]

    The approvals related to the approval flow if the form had an approval flow configured at the time of submission

  • formSubmissionMeta: FormSubmissionMeta

    The meta record for the submission

  • Optional formSubmissionPayments?: FormSubmissionPayment[]

    The payments made after the submission if the form had a payment event configured at the time of submission

  • Optional formSubmissionSchedulingBooking?: SchedulingBooking

    The bookings made after the submission if the form had a scheduling vent configured at the time of submission

  • Optional formSubmissionWorkflowEvents?: FormSubmissionWorkflowEvent[]

    The workflow events containing a status for each