_FormElementBase: {
    conditionallyShow: boolean;
    conditionallyShowPredicates?: ConditionalPredicate[];
    customCssClasses?: string[];
    id: string;
    isNew?: boolean;
    meta?: string;
    requiresAllConditionallyShowPredicates?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • conditionallyShow: boolean

    Determine if the element is conditionally shown (true) or not (false).

  • Optional conditionallyShowPredicates?: ConditionalPredicate[]

    Predicates to evaluate.

  • Optional customCssClasses?: string[]

    Custom CSS classes that will be added to the element during rendering

  • id: string

    The unique identifier for an individual form element.

  • Optional isNew?: boolean
  • Optional meta?: string

    JSON metadata associated with the form element. This field is for primarily for developer use.

  • Optional requiresAllConditionallyShowPredicates?: boolean

    Determine if the predicates must all match (true) or if only one needs to match (false) for the element to shown.