Type alias FormsAppCPHCMSContentMenuItem

FormsAppCPHCMSContentMenuItem: FormsAppBaseMenuItem & {
    formId: number;
    isDefault: boolean;
    listDisplayAttributes: FormsAppCPHCMSContentMenuItemListDisplayAttribute[];
    type: "CP_HCMS_CONTENT";

Type declaration

  • formId: number

    The identifier of the Form which must have a CP HCMS worklflow event to link the HMCS Content Type

  • isDefault: boolean

    If true, menu item will be the default item shown

  • listDisplayAttributes: FormsAppCPHCMSContentMenuItemListDisplayAttribute[]

    The attributes to display for each piece of content when viewing multiple records in a list format.

  • type: "CP_HCMS_CONTENT"

    Type of menu item