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Namespace EnvironmentTypes


Type aliases

BaseFormsAppEnvironmentStyles: FormsAppEnvironmentColours & { customCss?: string }
ButtonConfiguration: { icon?: string; label?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional icon?: string

    The icon to display on the button. Must be a valid Material Icon code as it appears here: https://fonts.google.com/icons

  • Optional label?: string

    The text to display on the button.

FormMigrationData: { sourceFormId: number; targetFormId?: number } & FormMigrationOptions
FormsAppEnvironment: { createdAt: Date; id: number; updatedAt: Date } & BaseFormsAppEnvironment
FormsAppEnvironmentColours: { contrastColour?: string; foregroundColour?: string; highlightColour?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional contrastColour?: string

    Contrast colour applied against the highlight colour

  • Optional foregroundColour?: string

    Foreground colour of banner in Forms App

  • Optional highlightColour?: string

    Highlight colour for elements that should stand out

FormsAppEnvironmentConfiguration: FormsAppEnvironmentConfigurationBase & { googleMapsApiKey: string; recaptchaKeyType: RecaptchaKeyType; recaptchaPublicKey: string }
FormsAppEnvironmentConfigurationBase: { abnLookupAuthenticationGuid?: string; accountAttachmentRetentionInDays?: number; environmentCustomCss: string | undefined; formsAppEnvironmentId: number; formsAttachmentRetention?: { days: number; formId: number }[]; isTrialExpired: boolean; locale: string; organisationId: string; styles: FormsAppEnvironmentStyles; tz: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional abnLookupAuthenticationGuid?: string
  • Optional accountAttachmentRetentionInDays?: number
  • environmentCustomCss: string | undefined
  • formsAppEnvironmentId: number
  • Optional formsAttachmentRetention?: { days: number; formId: number }[]
  • isTrialExpired: boolean
  • locale: string
  • organisationId: string
  • styles: FormsAppEnvironmentStyles
  • tz: string
FormsAppEnvironmentSendingAddress: EmailSendingAddressBase & { formsAppEnvironmentId: number }
FormsAppEnvironmentSendingAddressResponse: EmailSendingAddressResponseBase & { formsAppEnvironmentSendingAddress?: FormsAppEnvironmentSendingAddress }
FormsAppEnvironmentStyles: BaseFormsAppEnvironmentStyles & { buttons?: { cancel?: ButtonConfiguration; cancelPromptNo?: ButtonConfiguration; cancelPromptYes?: ButtonConfiguration; saveDraft?: ButtonConfiguration; submit?: ButtonConfiguration }; logoUrl?: string }