  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Namespace FormTypes



Type aliases

Type aliases

ABNElement: { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: ABNRecord; placeholderValue?: string; type: "abn" } & LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly

Allow the user to enter a valid ABN (as per https://abr.business.gov.au/).


"id": "b1311ae0-6bb7-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e",
"type": "abn",
"name": "ABN",
"label": "Please Enter Your ABN number",
"defaultValue": {
"recordLastUpdatedDate": "2021-11-13",
"ABN": {
"identifierValue": "26008672179",
"isCurrentIndicator": "Y",
"replacedFrom": "0001-01-01"
"entityStatus": {
"entityStatusCode": "Active",
"effectiveFrom": "1999-11-01",
"effectiveTo": "0001-01-01"
"ASICNumber": "008672179",
"entityType": {
"entityTypeCode": "PUB",
"entityDescription": "Australian Public Company"
"goodsAndServicesTax": {
"effectiveFrom": "2000-07-01",
"effectiveTo": "0001-01-01"
"mainName": {
"organisationName": "BUNNINGS GROUP LIMITED",
"effectiveFrom": "2005-09-01"
"mainTradingName": {
"organisationName": "BUNNINGS GROUP LIMITED",
"effectiveFrom": "2005-12-07"
"otherTradingName": {
"organisationName": "BUNNINGS WAREHOUSE",
"effectiveFrom": "2004-05-26"
"mainBusinessPhysicalAddress": {
"stateCode": "VIC",
"postcode": "3123",
"effectiveFrom": "2020-02-04",
"effectiveTo": "0001-01-01"
"businessName": [
"organisationName": "TOOL KIT DEPOT",
"effectiveFrom": "2021-09-07"
"organisationName": "CRAFTRIGHT",
"effectiveFrom": "2021-05-20"
"required": true,
"readOnly": false

Example Submission Data

"submission": {
"[element.name]": {
"recordLastUpdatedDate": "2021-11-13",
"ABN": {
"identifierValue": "26008672179",
"isCurrentIndicator": "Y",
"replacedFrom": "0001-01-01"
"entityStatus": {
"entityStatusCode": "Active",
"effectiveFrom": "1999-11-01",
"effectiveTo": "0001-01-01"
"ASICNumber": "008672179",
"entityType": {
"entityTypeCode": "PUB",
"entityDescription": "Australian Public Company"
"goodsAndServicesTax": {
"effectiveFrom": "2000-07-01",
"effectiveTo": "0001-01-01"
"mainName": {
"organisationName": "BUNNINGS GROUP LIMITED",
"effectiveFrom": "2005-09-01"
"mainTradingName": {
"organisationName": "BUNNINGS GROUP LIMITED",
"effectiveFrom": "2005-12-07"
"otherTradingName": {
"organisationName": "BUNNINGS WAREHOUSE",
"effectiveFrom": "2004-05-26"
"mainBusinessPhysicalAddress": {
"stateCode": "VIC",
"postcode": "3123",
"effectiveFrom": "2020-02-04",
"effectiveTo": "0001-01-01"
"businessName": [
"organisationName": "TOOL KIT DEPOT",
"effectiveFrom": "2021-09-07"
"organisationName": "CRAFTRIGHT",
"effectiveFrom": "2021-05-20"
APINSWLiquorLicenceElement: { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: LiquorLicenceDetails; placeholderValue?: string; type: "apiNSWLiquorLicence" } & LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly
ArcGISWebMapElement: FormElementBase & { showLayerPanel: boolean; type: "arcGISWebMap"; webMapId: string }
AutoCompleteElement: FormElementWithOptionsBase & { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: string; placeholderValue?: string; searchQuerystringParameter?: string; searchUrl?: string; type: "autocomplete" }
BSBElement: { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: string; placeholderValue?: string; type: "bsb" } & LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly
BarcodeScannerElement: { restrictBarcodeTypes: boolean; restrictedBarcodeTypes?: string[]; type: "barcodeScanner" } & FormElementWithInput<string>
BooleanElement: LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly & { defaultValue: boolean; type: "boolean" }
BuiltInFormElementLookup: NewBuiltInFormElementLookup & { id: number }
CalculationElement: FormElementBase & { calculation: string; defaultValue: string; displayAsCurrency?: boolean; preCalculationDisplay?: string; type: "calculation" }
CameraElement: FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly & FormElementBinaryStorage & { defaultValue?: FormSubmissionAttachment; includeTimestampWatermark: boolean; type: "camera" }
CaptchaElement: FormElementRequired & { type: "captcha" }
CheckboxElement: FormElementWithOptionsBase & { buttons: boolean; canToggleAll?: boolean; defaultValue?: string[]; requiredAll?: boolean; type: "checkboxes" }
ChoiceElementOption: { attributes?: ChoiceElementOptionAttribute[]; id: string } & Omit<DynamicChoiceElementOption, "attributes">
ChoiceElementOptionAttribute: { elementId: string; optionIds: string[] }

Type declaration

  • elementId: string

    The external element ID used in the 'conditionally show option' process

  • optionIds: string[]

    An array of option IDs associated with an individual option

CivicaNameRecordElement: { address1Label?: string; address2Label?: string; businessPhoneIsHidden?: boolean; businessPhoneIsRequired?: boolean; businessPhoneLabel?: string; defaultValue?: CivicaNameRecord; emailAddressIsHidden?: boolean; emailAddressIsRequired?: boolean; emailAddressLabel?: string; familyNameLabel?: string; faxPhoneIsHidden?: boolean; faxPhoneIsRequired?: boolean; faxPhoneLabel?: string; givenName1IsHidden?: boolean; givenName1IsRequired?: boolean; givenName1Label?: string; homePhoneIsHidden?: boolean; homePhoneIsRequired?: boolean; homePhoneLabel?: string; mobilePhoneIsHidden?: boolean; mobilePhoneIsRequired?: boolean; mobilePhoneLabel?: string; postcodeLabel?: string; streetAddressesLabel?: string; titleLabel?: string; type: "civicaNameRecord"; useGeoscapeAddressing: boolean } & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly
CivicaStreetNameElement: { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: CivicaStreetName; placeholderValue?: string; type: "civicaStreetName" } & LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly
ComplianceElement: FormElementWithOptionsBase & FormElementBinaryStorage & { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: string; type: "compliance" }
DateElement: FormElementWithDate & { type: "date" }
DateTimeElement: FormElementWithDate & { type: "datetime" }
DynamicChoiceElementOption: { attributes?: DynamicChoiceElementOptionAttribute[]; colour?: string; displayAlways?: boolean; imageUrl?: string; label: string; options?: DynamicChoiceElementOption[]; value: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional attributes?: DynamicChoiceElementOptionAttribute[]

    An array of option attributes associated with an individual option.

  • Optional colour?: string

    The color of the button used to display the option, if the element has buttons configured as true.

  • Optional displayAlways?: boolean

    For autocomplete elements this option will always appear in the search results.

  • Optional imageUrl?: string

    An image associated with this option

  • label: string

    The label displayed to the user for an individual option.

  • Optional options?: DynamicChoiceElementOption[]

    An array of nested options, relevant to the option.

  • value: string

    The value for an individual option, sent with form submission data.

DynamicChoiceElementOptionAttribute: { label: string; value: string }

Type declaration

  • label: string

    The label to display in the forms builder when selecting an element to match the "value" property. E.g. if this options set is for Cities (Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne) and the parent options set is for States (NSW, QLD, VIC), this label could be "State".

  • value: string

    The value of the parent form element option to filter this option. E.g. E.g. if this options set is for Cities (Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne) and the parent options set is for States (NSW, QLD, VIC) and this option represented Sydney, this value would be "NSW".

DynamicOptionsSetAttributeMap: { attribute: string; elementId: string }

Type declaration

  • attribute: string

    The attribute from the dynamic options set to be mapped to the option element ID.

  • elementId: string

    The ID of the option value for the attribute to be mapped to.

EmailElement: { type: "email" } & FormElementWithInput<string>
ExternalIdGenerationReceiptId: { configuration: { receiptComponents: ReceiptComponent[]; startingSequentialNumber?: number }; type: "RECEIPT_ID" }

Type declaration

  • configuration: { receiptComponents: ReceiptComponent[]; startingSequentialNumber?: number }

    The configuration of the external id generation.

    • receiptComponents: ReceiptComponent[]

      An array of receipt components used to build an external Id

    • Optional startingSequentialNumber?: number

      The first number when including an auto incrementing component in the externalId

  • type: "RECEIPT_ID"

    The type of the external id generation.

FilesElement: FormElementBinaryStorage & LookupFormElement & FormElementReadOnly & { allowExtensionlessAttachments?: boolean; defaultValue?: unknown; maxEntries?: number; minEntries?: number; restrictFileTypes: boolean; restrictedFileTypes?: string[]; type: "files" }
FormElementBase: _FormElementBase & FormElementHint & { label: string; name: string }
FormElementBinaryStorage: FormElementBase & { storageType?: "public" | "private" }
FormElementEnvironmentBase: { formsAppEnvironmentId: number }

Type declaration

  • formsAppEnvironmentId: number
FormElementEnvironmentUrl: FormElementEnvironmentBase & { url: string }
FormElementHint: { hint?: string; hintPosition?: HintPositionEnum }

Type declaration

  • Optional hint?: string

    The text that will be displayed based on hintPosition

  • Optional hintPosition?: HintPositionEnum

    Determine where the helper text will show

FormElementLookupEnvironmentUrl: FormElementEnvironmentUrl & { runLookupOnClear?: boolean }
FormElementLookupSearchParameters: FormElementOptionSetSearchParameters
FormElementLookupSearchResponse: { formElementLookups: FormElementLookup[] } & BaseSearchResult
FormElementLookupStaticData: IdResource & NewFormElementLookupStaticData
FormElementLookupStaticDataEnvironment: FormElementEnvironmentBase & { records: FormElementLookupStaticDataRecord[] }
FormElementLookupStaticDataPreFillBase: { formElementName: string }

Type declaration

  • formElementName: string

    Must match a "FormElement.name" property exactly to pre-fill with the "preFillValue".

FormElementLookupStaticDataPreFillClearValue: { type: "CLEAR" } & FormElementLookupStaticDataPreFillBase
FormElementLookupStaticDataPreFillNumber: { number: number; type: "NUMBER" } & FormElementLookupStaticDataPreFillBase
FormElementLookupStaticDataPreFillText: { text: string; type: "TEXT" } & FormElementLookupStaticDataPreFillBase
FormElementLookupStaticDataRecordBase: { preFills: FormElementLookupStaticDataPreFill[] }

Type declaration

  • preFills: FormElementLookupStaticDataPreFill[]

    The pre-fill data to inject into the form when the "inputValue" matches exactly what the user has entered or selected when completing the form.

FormElementLookupStaticDataRecordNumber: FormElementLookupStaticDataRecordBase & { inputType: "NUMBER"; inputValue: number }
FormElementLookupStaticDataRecordText: FormElementLookupStaticDataRecordBase & { inputType: "TEXT"; inputValue: string }
FormElementLookupStaticDataRecordUndefined: FormElementLookupStaticDataRecordBase & { inputType: "UNDEFINED" }
FormElementLookupUrl: IdResource & NewFormElementLookupUrl
FormElementName: FormElementWithName["name"]
FormElementOptionSetEnvironmentStatic: { formsAppEnvironmentId: number; options: DynamicChoiceElementOption[] }

Type declaration

FormElementOptionSetEnvironmentUrl: FormElementEnvironmentUrl & { searchQuerystringParameter?: string }
FormElementOptionSetHostedApi: IdResource & NewFormElementOptionSetHostedApi
FormElementOptionSetSearchParameters: { limit?: number; offset?: number; organisationIds: string[] }

Type declaration

  • Optional limit?: number
  • Optional offset?: number
  • organisationIds: string[]
FormElementOptionSetSearchResponse: { formElementOptionSets: FormElementOptionSet[] } & BaseSearchResult
FormElementOptionSetStatic: IdResource & NewFormElementOptionSetStatic
FormElementOptionSetUrl: IdResource & NewFormElementOptionSetUrl
FormElementReadOnly: { readOnly?: boolean }

Type declaration

  • Optional readOnly?: boolean
FormElementRequired: FormElementBase & { required: boolean; requiredMessage?: string }
FormElementType: FormElement["type"]
FormElementWithDate: { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: string | "NOW"; defaultValueDaysOffset?: number; fromDate?: string | "NOW"; fromDateDaysOffset?: number; fromDateElementId?: string; placeholderValue?: string; toDate?: string | "NOW"; toDateDaysOffset?: number; toDateElementId?: string } & LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly
FormElementWithForm: FormFormElement
FormElementWithInput<DefaultValue>: { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: DefaultValue; placeholderValue?: string; regexFlags?: string; regexMessage?: string; regexPattern?: string } & LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly

Type parameters

  • DefaultValue

FormElementWithName: Exclude<FormElement, FormElementWithoutName>
FormElementWithOptionsBase: LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly & { attributesMapping?: DynamicOptionsSetAttributeMap[]; conditionallyShowOptions?: boolean; conditionallyShowOptionsElementIds?: string[]; dynamicOptionSetId?: number; freshdeskFieldName?: string; options?: ChoiceElementOption[]; optionsType: "CUSTOM" | "DYNAMIC" | "SEARCH" | "FRESHDESK_FIELD" }
FormElementWithoutName: PageElement | SectionElement
FormFormElement: _FormElementBase & { elements?: FormElement[]; formId: number; name: string; type: "form" | "infoPage" }
FormPostSubmissionAction: "BACK" | "URL" | "CLOSE" | "FORMS_LIBRARY"
FormQuerystringParameters: { injectForms?: boolean; isAuthenticated?: boolean; limit?: number; name?: string; offset: number }

Type declaration

  • Optional injectForms?: boolean
  • Optional isAuthenticated?: boolean
  • Optional limit?: number
  • Optional name?: string
  • offset: number
FormServerValidation: EndpointConfiguration
FormTemplate: { createdAt: string; description?: string; elements: FormElement[]; id: number; isMultiPage: boolean; name: string; tags: string[]; updatedAt: string }

Type declaration

  • createdAt: string
  • Optional description?: string
  • elements: FormElement[]
  • id: number
  • isMultiPage: boolean
  • name: string
  • tags: string[]
  • updatedAt: string
FormVersion: { form: Form; formId: number; id: number; name?: string; updatedAt: string }

Type declaration

  • form: Form
  • formId: number
  • id: number
  • Optional name?: string
  • updatedAt: string
FreshdeskDependentFieldElement: { defaultValue?: FreshdeskDependentFieldElementValue; itemHint?: string; itemLabel: string; subCategoryHint?: string; subCategoryLabel: string; type: "freshdeskDependentField" } & FormElementWithOptionsBase

Allow the user to select an item after being filter down via category and sub-category


"id": "b1311ae0-6bb7-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e",
"type": "freshdeskDependentField",
"name": "country_state_suburb",
"label": "Country",
"hint": "Please select a Country before selecting a State.",
"subCategoryLabel": "State",
"subCategoryHint": "Please select a State before selecting a Suburb.",
"itemLabel": "Suburb",
"itemHint": "Please select a Suburb.",
"defaultValue": {
"category": "Australia",
"subCategory": "NSW",
"item": "Sydney"
"required": true,
"readOnly": false

Example Submission Data

"submission": {
"[element.name]": {
"category": "Australia",
"subCategory": "NSW",
"item": "Sydney"
FreshdeskDependentFieldElementValue: { category?: string; item?: string; subCategory?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional category?: string

    A top level value selected e.g. Country

  • Optional item?: string

    A final level value selected e.g. Suburb

  • Optional subCategory?: string

    A second level value selected e.g. State

GeoscapeAddressElement: { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: GeoscapeAddress; placeholderValue?: string; stateTerritoryFilter?: StatesAndTerritories[]; type: "geoscapeAddress" } & LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly
GoogleAddressElement: { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: GoogleMapsAddress; placeholderValue?: string; type: "googleAddress" } & LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly
HeadingElement: FormElementBase & { headingType: number; type: "heading" }
HintPositionEnum: "BELOW_LABEL" | "TOOLTIP"
HtmlElement: FormElementBase & { defaultValue: string; type: "html" }
ImageElement: FormElementBase & { decorativeImage?: boolean; defaultValue: string; type: "image" }
LocationElement: { defaultValue?: unknown; reverseGeocoding?: { formattedAddressElementId: string; integrationType: IntegrationGeoscape["type"] }; type: "location" } & LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly
LookupFormElement: FormElementBase & { dataLookupId?: number; elementLookupId?: number; isDataLookup: boolean; isElementLookup: boolean; lookupButton?: ButtonConfiguration }
NewBuiltInFormElementLookup: { createdAt: string; description: string; name: string; supportUrl: string; type: "ELEMENT" | "DATA"; updatedAt: string; url: string }

Type declaration

  • createdAt: string
  • description: string
  • name: string
  • supportUrl: string
  • type: "ELEMENT" | "DATA"
  • updatedAt: string
  • url: string
NewForm: { allowGeoscapeAddresses?: boolean; approvalConfiguration?: { approvalCreatedEmailTemplateId?: number; approveCannedResponses?: FormApprovalCannedResponse[]; approvedEmailTemplateId?: number; autoDenyAfterClarificationRequest?: { days: number; internalNotes?: string; notify?: { cannedResponseKey?: string; notes: string; notificationEmailAddress?: string[] } }; clarificationRequestCannedResponses?: FormApprovalCannedResponse[]; clarificationRequestEmailTemplateId?: number; defaultNotificationEmailElementId?: string; defaultPreventPaymentOnClarificationRequest?: boolean; deniedEmailTemplateId?: number; denyCannedResponses?: FormApprovalCannedResponse[]; disallowApprovingWhenAwaitingClarification?: boolean; pendingApprovalsReminder?: { daysInterval: number } }; approvalEvents?: FormWorkflowEvent[]; approvalSteps?: FormApprovalFlowStep[]; cancelAction: FormPostSubmissionAction; cancelRedirectUrl?: string; continueWithAutosave?: boolean; customCssClasses?: string[]; description: string; disableAutosave?: boolean; draftEvents?: FormWorkflowEvent[]; elements: FormElement[]; enableSubmission?: { conditionalPredicates: ConditionalPredicate[]; requiresAllConditionalPredicates: boolean }; externalIdGenerationOnSubmit?: ExternalIdGeneration; formsAppEnvironmentId: number; formsAppIds: number[]; isAuthenticated: boolean; isMultiPage: boolean; name: string; organisationId: string; paymentEvents?: FormPaymentEvent[]; personalisation?: EndpointConfiguration; pointAddressEnvironmentId?: string; postSubmissionAction: FormPostSubmissionAction; postSubmissionReceipt?: { allowPDFDownload?: PDFConfiguration; html?: string }; publishEndDate?: string; publishStartDate?: string; redirectUrl?: string; schedulingEvents?: FormSchedulingEvent[]; serverValidation?: FormServerValidation; slug?: string; submissionEvents: FormWorkflowEvent[]; submissionTitle?: string; tags: string[]; unpublishedUserMessage?: string; updatedByKey?: DeveloperKeyReference; updatedByUser?: UserProfile }

Type declaration

  • Optional allowGeoscapeAddresses?: boolean

    Whether or not Geoscape elements can be configured for this form

  • Optional approvalConfiguration?: { approvalCreatedEmailTemplateId?: number; approveCannedResponses?: FormApprovalCannedResponse[]; approvedEmailTemplateId?: number; autoDenyAfterClarificationRequest?: { days: number; internalNotes?: string; notify?: { cannedResponseKey?: string; notes: string; notificationEmailAddress?: string[] } }; clarificationRequestCannedResponses?: FormApprovalCannedResponse[]; clarificationRequestEmailTemplateId?: number; defaultNotificationEmailElementId?: string; defaultPreventPaymentOnClarificationRequest?: boolean; deniedEmailTemplateId?: number; denyCannedResponses?: FormApprovalCannedResponse[]; disallowApprovingWhenAwaitingClarification?: boolean; pendingApprovalsReminder?: { daysInterval: number } }

    Configuration options that affect the whole approval flow

    • Optional approvalCreatedEmailTemplateId?: number

      The identifier for the email template to use when notifying approvers of a new approval to action

    • Optional approveCannedResponses?: FormApprovalCannedResponse[]

      A list of canned responses available for the form that can be assigned when approving an approval

    • Optional approvedEmailTemplateId?: number

      The identifier for the email template to use when notifying the user that submitted the form that an approver has approved their submission

    • Optional autoDenyAfterClarificationRequest?: { days: number; internalNotes?: string; notify?: { cannedResponseKey?: string; notes: string; notificationEmailAddress?: string[] } }

      Configuration for automatically denying an approval after a number of days when a clarification request has been sent with no response. Set undefined or unset for no Auto Deny.

      • days: number

        The amount of days after a clarification request has been sent with no response until the approval is automatically denied.

      • Optional internalNotes?: string

        Internal notes that are not seen by the user that submitted the form

      • Optional notify?: { cannedResponseKey?: string; notes: string; notificationEmailAddress?: string[] }
        • Optional cannedResponseKey?: string

          Key to associate a canned response with an approval to allow for reporting

        • notes: string

          Notes sent to specified users

        • Optional notificationEmailAddress?: string[]

          The email addresses of the users to be notified of the result. If the approval flow has a defaultNotificationEmailElementId configured, this address will also receive a notification email.

    • Optional clarificationRequestCannedResponses?: FormApprovalCannedResponse[]

      A list of canned responses available for the form that can be assigned when requesting clarification

    • Optional clarificationRequestEmailTemplateId?: number

      The identifier for the email template to use when notifying the user that submitted the form that an approver has requested clarification

    • Optional defaultNotificationEmailElementId?: string

      The id of the element to use as a default prefill for the notification email address when actioning an approval for this form

    • Optional defaultPreventPaymentOnClarificationRequest?: boolean

      Allow a default value for the preventPayment flag when approvers are requesting clarification

    • Optional deniedEmailTemplateId?: number

      The identifier for the email template to use when notifying the user that submitted the form that an approver has denied their submission

    • Optional denyCannedResponses?: FormApprovalCannedResponse[]

      A list of canned responses available for the form that can be assigned when denying an approval

    • Optional disallowApprovingWhenAwaitingClarification?: boolean

      Disallow approving when approval is waiting for clarification

    • Optional pendingApprovalsReminder?: { daysInterval: number }

      Configuration for sending recurring reminders at an interval of days to Approvers of pending approvals for this form.

      • daysInterval: number

        The amount of days that an approval must be overdue before sending daily reminders

  • Optional approvalEvents?: FormWorkflowEvent[]
  • Optional approvalSteps?: FormApprovalFlowStep[]
  • cancelAction: FormPostSubmissionAction
  • Optional cancelRedirectUrl?: string
  • Optional continueWithAutosave?: boolean

    Whether or not viewing the form should auto-continue with autosave data when available rather than prompting the user

  • Optional customCssClasses?: string[]

    Custom CSS classes that will be added to the form during rendering

  • description: string

    A description of the form.

  • Optional disableAutosave?: boolean

    Disable form data being autosaved

  • Optional draftEvents?: FormWorkflowEvent[]
  • elements: FormElement[]

    All elements contained within the form itself.

  • Optional enableSubmission?: { conditionalPredicates: ConditionalPredicate[]; requiresAllConditionalPredicates: boolean }

    Conditionally enable form submission

    • conditionalPredicates: ConditionalPredicate[]

      The predicates to determine if submission should be allowed

    • requiresAllConditionalPredicates: boolean

      Indicates if all predicates need to met to determine if submission should be allowed

  • Optional externalIdGenerationOnSubmit?: ExternalIdGeneration

    The details of the externalId generation endpoint which will be executed after "serverValidation" but before submission.

  • formsAppEnvironmentId: number

    The forms app environment ID the form belong to.

  • formsAppIds: number[]

    ID's of any Forms Apps that the form is included in.

  • isAuthenticated: boolean

    Whether or not the form can only be viewed by an Authenticated user.

  • isMultiPage: boolean

    Whether or not the form contains multiple pages.

  • name: string

    Name of the form.

  • organisationId: string

    The organisation ID the form belong to.

  • Optional paymentEvents?: FormPaymentEvent[]
  • Optional personalisation?: EndpointConfiguration

    The details of the personalisation endpoint which will be executed on form load to prefill existing elements or return a new set of elements.

  • Optional pointAddressEnvironmentId?: string

    Point address environment id to be used for any pointAddress elements

  • postSubmissionAction: FormPostSubmissionAction

    The action for the Form to take on a successful submission.

  • Optional postSubmissionReceipt?: { allowPDFDownload?: PDFConfiguration; html?: string }

    Configuration to customise the display after a successful submission.

    • Optional allowPDFDownload?: PDFConfiguration

      Whether or not to generate a token to allow downloading the form submission PDF after a successful submission.

    • Optional html?: string

      HTML to display instead of the default "Thank you" message after a successful submission.

  • Optional publishEndDate?: string

    The date and time (in ISO format) a form becomes unavailable.

  • Optional publishStartDate?: string

    The date and time (in ISO format) a form becomes available.

  • Optional redirectUrl?: string

    The URL the form will redirect to if configured to do so by the postSubmissionActions.

  • Optional schedulingEvents?: FormSchedulingEvent[]
  • Optional serverValidation?: FormServerValidation

    The details of the form validation endpoint.

  • Optional slug?: string

    Unique domain safe text to identify the form

  • submissionEvents: FormWorkflowEvent[]

    Events that occur/trigger on a valid successful submission.

  • Optional submissionTitle?: string

    The title of a form submission, supports element injection

  • tags: string[]

    A list of tags used to categorise or describe the form.

  • Optional unpublishedUserMessage?: string

    The message to be shown to forms users when the form is not in the published time window

  • Optional updatedByKey?: DeveloperKeyReference
  • Optional updatedByUser?: UserProfile

    The user that last updated the form

NewFormElementLookupBase: { name: string; organisationId: string }

Type declaration

  • name: string

    A human readable identifier for the Lookup.

  • organisationId: string

    The identifier for the organisation associated with the Lookup.

NewFormElementLookupStaticData: NewFormElementLookupBase & { environments: FormElementLookupStaticDataEnvironment[]; type: "STATIC_DATA" }
NewFormElementLookupUrl: NewFormElementLookupBase & { apiId?: string; builtInId?: number; environments: FormElementLookupEnvironmentUrl[]; excludeDefinition?: boolean; type: "ELEMENT" | "DATA" }
NewFormElementOptionSetBase: { name: string; organisationId: string }

Type declaration

  • name: string
  • organisationId: string
NewFormElementOptionSetHostedApi: NewFormElementOptionSetBase & { apiId: string; environments: FormElementOptionSetEnvironmentUrl[]; type: "HOSTED_API" }
NewFormElementOptionSetStatic: NewFormElementOptionSetBase & { environments: FormElementOptionSetEnvironmentStatic[]; type: "STATIC" | "HCMS_CATEGORIES" }
NewFormElementOptionSetUrl: NewFormElementOptionSetBase & { environments: FormElementOptionSetEnvironmentUrl[]; type: "URL" }
NumberElement: { isInteger?: boolean; isSlider: boolean; maxNumber?: number; minNumber?: number; sliderIncrement?: number; type: "number" } & FormElementWithInput<number>
PageElement: _FormElementBase & { label: string; type: "page" } & _NestedElementsElement
PointAddressElement: { addressTypeFilter?: string[]; autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; defaultValue?: PointAddress; placeholderValue?: string; stateTerritoryFilter?: PointStatesAndTerritories[]; type: "pointAddress" } & LookupFormElement & FormElementRequired & FormElementReadOnly
RadioButtonElement: FormElementWithOptionsBase & { buttons: boolean; defaultValue?: string; type: "radio" }
ReceiptDateFormat: "dayOfMonth" | "monthNumber" | "yearShort" | "year"
RepeatableSetElement: FormElementBase & { addSetEntryLabel?: string; maxSetEntries?: number | { elementId: string; type: "FORM_ELEMENT" }; minSetEntries?: number | { elementId: string; type: "FORM_ELEMENT" }; removeSetEntryLabel?: string; type: "repeatableSet" } & _NestedElementsElement & FormElementReadOnly
SectionElement: _FormElementBase & FormElementHint & { canCollapseFromBottom?: boolean; isCollapsed: boolean; label: string; type: "section" } & _NestedElementsElement
SelectElement: FormElementWithOptionsBase & { autocompleteAttributes?: string[]; canToggleAll?: boolean; defaultValue?: string | string[]; multi: boolean; type: "select" }
SummaryElement: FormElementBase & { elementIds: string[]; type: "summary" }
TelephoneElement: { type: "telephone" } & FormElementWithInput<string>
TextElement: { maxLength?: number; minLength?: number; type: "text" } & FormElementWithInput<string>
TextareaElement: { maxLength?: number; minLength?: number; type: "textarea" } & FormElementWithInput<string>
TimeElement: FormElementWithDate & { type: "time" }
_FormElementBase: { conditionallyShow: boolean; conditionallyShowPredicates?: ConditionalPredicate[]; customCssClasses?: string[]; id: string; isHidden?: boolean; isNew?: boolean; meta?: string; requiresAllConditionallyShowPredicates?: boolean }

Type declaration

  • conditionallyShow: boolean

    Determine if the element is conditionally shown (true) or not (false).

  • Optional conditionallyShowPredicates?: ConditionalPredicate[]

    Predicates to evaluate.

  • Optional customCssClasses?: string[]

    Custom CSS classes that will be added to the element during rendering

  • id: string

    The unique identifier for an individual form element.

  • Optional isHidden?: boolean

    Determine if the element is hidden (true) or not (false). Hidden elements exist on the page, but are not visible to the user. This means they are included in conditional logic and other dependency evaluation and are included in the submission data.

  • Optional isNew?: boolean
  • Optional meta?: string

    JSON metadata associated with the form element. This field is for primarily for developer use.

  • Optional requiresAllConditionallyShowPredicates?: boolean

    Determine if the predicates must all match (true) or if only one needs to match (false) for the element to shown.

_NestedElementsElement: { elements: FormElement[] }

Type declaration