The id of the form the draft was saved against
The id of the forms app the draft was created in
Unique identifier for the draft.
The id of the job associated with the draft
The previous form submission approval id, if the draft is a response to a clarification request on the submission approval
The submission identifier to indicate if the draft has been submitted
The id of the scheduled task action that was used to complete the task.
The id of the scheduled task group instance that the taskId is related to.
The id of the scheduled task that was started when the draft was saved.
The username of the user that the draft is associated with. Will be
if the draft is being shared.
The versions of the draft data
The date and time (in ISO format) when this version of the draft was created.
Information about the entity that created this version of the draft
Information about the key that created this version of the draft
The UserProfile of the user who created this version of the draft
Unique identifier for the draft associated with this version.
Unique identifier for the draft version.
The IP Address of the request to create the draft version. This cannot be trusted as the requester could change this.
Configuration for where the draft data is stored
The title input by a user to identify the draft.
The date and time (in ISO format) the form was submitted.
The identifier for this submission generated by the customer
The id of the OneBlink Form
The id of the Forms App submitting for
The IP Address of the submitter of the Form. This cannot be trusted as the submitter could change this.
Information about the key that was used to submitted the form
The id of the submission data
Information about the user that submitted the form
The external id provided by a developer