  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Namespace SubmissionTypes


Type aliases

BPOINTPayment: BaseFormSubmissionPayment & { paymentTransaction?: { Action: string; Amount: number; AmountOriginal: number; AmountSurcharge: number; AuthoriseId: string; BankAccountDetails: { AccountName: string; BSBNumber: string; TruncatedAccountNumber: string }; BankResponseCode: string; BillerCode: string; CVNResult: { CVNResultCode: "M" | "S" | "P" | "U" | "N" | "Unsupported" }; CardDetails: { CardHolderName: string; Category: string; ExpiryDate: string; Issuer: string; IssuerCountryCode: string; Localisation: string; MaskedCardNumber: string; SubType: "debit" | "credit" | "charge" | "unknown" }; CardType: "AX" | "DC" | "JC" | "MC" | "UP" | "VC"; Crn1: string; Crn2: string; Crn3: string; Currency: string; DVToken: string; EmailAddress: string; FraudScreeningResponse: { ReDResponse: { FRAUD_NEURAL: string; FRAUD_REC_ID: string; FRAUD_RFC: string; FRAUD_RSP_CD: string; FRAUD_STAT_CD: string; ORD_ID: string; REQ_ID: string; STAT_CD: string }; ResponseCode: string; ResponseMessage: string; TxnRejected: boolean }; IsCVNPresent: boolean; IsTestTxn: boolean; IsThreeDS: boolean; MerchantNumber: string; MerchantReference: string; OriginalTxnNumber: string; ProcessedDateTime: string; RRN: string; ReceiptNumber: string; ResponseCode: string; ResponseText: string; SettlementDate: string; Source: "api" | "callcentre" | "customerportal" | "internet" | "invoiceportal" | "ishop" | "ivr" | "backoffice" | "mobilebackoffice" | "sftp" | "unknown"; StatementDescriptor: { AddressLine1?: string; AddressLine2?: string; City?: string; CompanyName?: string; CountryCode?: string; MerchantName?: string; PhoneNumber?: string; PostCode?: string; State?: string }; StoreCard: boolean; SubType: "single" | "recurring"; ThreeDSResponse: { Eci: string; Enrolled: string; Status: string; VerifySecurityLevel: string; VerifyStatus: string; VerifyToken: string; VerifyType: string; Xid: string }; TxnNumber: string; Type: "callcenter" | "cardpresent" | "ecommerce" | "internet" | "ivr" | "mailorder" | "telephoneorder" }; type: BPOINTSubmissionEvent["type"] }
BaseFormSubmissionPayment: { formId: number; id: string; status: "PENDING" | "SUCCEEDED" | "FAILED"; submissionId: string }

Type declaration

  • formId: number
  • id: string
  • status: "PENDING" | "SUCCEEDED" | "FAILED"
  • submissionId: string
CPPayPayment: BaseFormSubmissionPayment & { paymentTransaction?: ({ cpPayVersion?: "v1" } & Required<cpPayV1Components["schemas"]["ValidateTransactionResultDto"]>) | ({ cpPayVersion: "v2" } & Required<cpPayV2Components["schemas"]["TransactionDetailsViewModelResponseEnvelope"]>); type: CPPaySubmissionEvent["type"] }
DbFormStoreRecord: _BaseFormStoreRecord & { createdAt: Date; dateTimeSubmitted: Date }
FormStoreDefinition: { formElements: FormElementWithName[]; formId: number }

Type declaration

FormStoreRecord: _BaseFormStoreRecord & { createdAt: string; dateTimeSubmitted: string }
FormSubmissionAttachment: { contentType: string; fileName: string; id: string; isPrivate: boolean; s3: { bucket: string; key: string; region: string }; uploadedAt?: string; url: string }

Type declaration

  • contentType: string
  • fileName: string
  • id: string
  • isPrivate: boolean
  • s3: { bucket: string; key: string; region: string }
    • bucket: string
    • key: string
    • region: string
  • Optional uploadedAt?: string
  • url: string
FormSubmissionDraft: { externalId?: string; formId: number; formsAppId: number; id: string; jobId?: string; previousFormSubmissionApprovalId?: string; submissionId?: string; taskActionId?: string; taskGroupInstanceId?: string; taskId?: string; username?: string; versions: FormSubmissionDraftVersion[] }

Type declaration

  • Optional externalId?: string

    The external id provided by a developer

  • formId: number

    The id of the form the draft was saved against

  • formsAppId: number

    The id of the forms app the draft was created in

  • id: string

    Unique identifier for the draft.

  • Optional jobId?: string

    The id of the job associated with the draft

  • Optional previousFormSubmissionApprovalId?: string

    The previous form submission approval id, if the draft is a response to a clarification request on the submission approval

  • Optional submissionId?: string

    The submission identifier to indicate if the draft has been submitted

  • Optional taskActionId?: string

    The id of the scheduled task action that was used to complete the task.

  • Optional taskGroupInstanceId?: string

    The id of the scheduled task group instance that the taskId is related to.

  • Optional taskId?: string

    The id of the scheduled task that was started when the draft was saved.

  • Optional username?: string

    The username of the user that the draft is associated with. Will be undefined if the draft is being shared.

  • versions: FormSubmissionDraftVersion[]

    The versions of the draft data

FormSubmissionDraftVersion: { createdAt: string; createdBy: { key?: NewFormSubmissionMeta["key"]; user?: UserProfile }; formSubmissionDraftId: string; id: string; ipAddress?: string; s3: S3Configuration; title: string }

Type declaration

  • createdAt: string

    The date and time (in ISO format) when this version of the draft was created.

  • createdBy: { key?: NewFormSubmissionMeta["key"]; user?: UserProfile }

    Information about the entity that created this version of the draft

    • Optional key?: NewFormSubmissionMeta["key"]

      Information about the key that created this version of the draft

    • Optional user?: UserProfile

      The UserProfile of the user who created this version of the draft

  • formSubmissionDraftId: string

    Unique identifier for the draft associated with this version.

  • id: string

    Unique identifier for the draft version.

  • Optional ipAddress?: string

    The IP Address of the request to create the draft version. This cannot be trusted as the requester could change this.

  • s3: S3Configuration

    Configuration for where the draft data is stored

  • title: string

    The title input by a user to identify the draft.

FormSubmissionFileAccessToken: { createdAt: string; id: string } & NewFormSubmissionFileAccessToken
FormSubmissionMeta: NewFormSubmissionMeta & { formName?: string; submissionTitle?: string; validationResult?: { error: string; isInvalid: true } | { isInvalid: false } }
FormSubmissionPayment: NewFormSubmissionPayment & { createdAt: string; updatedAt: string }
FormSubmissionWorkflowEvent: NewFormSubmissionWorkflowEvent & { createdAt: string; id: number }
FormsAppDraft: NewFormsAppDraft & { createdAt?: string; createdBy?: UserProfile; draftDataId?: string; draftId: string; updatedAt?: string; updatedBy?: UserProfile }

Replaced with FormSubmissionDraft and FormSubmissionDraftVersion

FormsAppJob: NewFormsAppJob & { createdAt: string; id: string; isSubmitted: boolean; submissionId?: string; updatedAt: string }
NSWGovPayPayment: BaseFormSubmissionPayment & { paymentTransaction: { agencyCompletionPayment?: { accountToken?: string; agencyTransactionId: string; amount: number; bPay?: { billerCode: string; crn: string; processingDate: string }; bankReference: string; card?: { cardPresent: boolean; cardType: string; last4Digits: string }; emailAddress?: string; paymentCompletionReference: string; paymentMethod: "CARD" | "PAYPAL" | "PAYID" | "BPAY"; paymentReference: string; surcharge: number; surchargeGst: number }; integrationPrimaryAgencyId: string; nswGovPayPaymentReference: string; redirectUrl: string }; type: NSWGovPaySubmissionEvent["type"] }
NewDbFormStoreRecord: Omit<DbFormStoreRecord, "_id">
NewFormSubmissionFileAccessToken: { s3: S3ObjectCredentials["s3"] }

Type declaration

NewFormSubmissionMeta: { dateTimeSubmitted: string; externalId?: string; formId: number; formsAppId?: number; ipAddress?: string; key?: DeveloperKeyReference; submissionId: string; user?: UserProfile }

Type declaration

  • dateTimeSubmitted: string

    The date and time (in ISO format) the form was submitted.

  • Optional externalId?: string

    The identifier for this submission generated by the customer

  • formId: number

    The id of the OneBlink Form

  • Optional formsAppId?: number

    The id of the Forms App submitting for

  • Optional ipAddress?: string

    The IP Address of the submitter of the Form. This cannot be trusted as the submitter could change this.

  • Optional key?: DeveloperKeyReference

    Information about the key that was used to submitted the form

  • submissionId: string

    The id of the submission data

  • Optional user?: UserProfile

    Information about the user that submitted the form

NewFormSubmissionWorkflowEvent: { error?: string; event: FormWorkflowEvent | FormSchedulingEvent; finishedAt?: string; formId: number; startedAt?: string; status: "QUEUED" | "STARTED" | "FAILED" | "SUCCEEDED" } & ({ stage: "SCHEDULING" | "SUBMISSION" | "APPROVAL" | "REPLAY" | "RETRY"; submissionId: string } | { draftId: string; stage: "DRAFT" })
S3SubmissionData: NewS3SubmissionData & { externalId?: string; formsAppId?: number; ipAddress?: string; key?: FormSubmissionMeta["key"]; keyId?: string; submissionTimestamp: string; task?: Task; taskAction?: TaskAction; taskGroup?: TaskGroup; taskGroupInstance?: TaskGroupInstance; user?: FormSubmissionMeta["user"] }
S3SubmissionDataDeviceBrowser: { appCodeName: typeof window.navigator.appCodeName; appName: typeof window.navigator.appName; appVersion: typeof window.navigator.appVersion; cookieEnabled: typeof window.navigator.cookieEnabled; hardwareConcurrency: typeof window.navigator.hardwareConcurrency; language: typeof window.navigator.language; maxTouchPoints: typeof window.navigator.maxTouchPoints; platform: typeof window.navigator.platform; type: "PWA" | "BROWSER"; userAgent: typeof window.navigator.userAgent; vendor: typeof window.navigator.vendor; vendorSub: typeof window.navigator.vendorSub; webdriver: typeof window.navigator.webdriver }

Type declaration

  • appCodeName: typeof window.navigator.appCodeName
  • appName: typeof window.navigator.appName
  • appVersion: typeof window.navigator.appVersion
  • cookieEnabled: typeof window.navigator.cookieEnabled
  • hardwareConcurrency: typeof window.navigator.hardwareConcurrency
  • language: typeof window.navigator.language
  • maxTouchPoints: typeof window.navigator.maxTouchPoints
  • platform: typeof window.navigator.platform
  • type: "PWA" | "BROWSER"
  • userAgent: typeof window.navigator.userAgent
  • vendor: typeof window.navigator.vendor
  • vendorSub: typeof window.navigator.vendorSub
  • webdriver: typeof window.navigator.webdriver
S3SubmissionDataDeviceCordova: { cordova?: boolean; isVirtual?: boolean; manufacturer?: string; model?: string; platform?: string; serial?: string; type: "CORDOVA"; uuid?: string; version?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional cordova?: boolean
  • Optional isVirtual?: boolean
  • Optional manufacturer?: string
  • Optional model?: string
  • Optional platform?: string
  • Optional serial?: string
  • type: "CORDOVA"
  • Optional uuid?: string
  • Optional version?: string
WestpacQuickStreamPayment: BaseFormSubmissionPayment & { paymentTransaction?: { authorisationCode?: string; authorisationTraceId: string; authorisationType?: string; bankAccount?: { accountName?: string; accountNumber: string; bsb: string }; cancellationType?: string; comment: string; creditCard?: { accountToken: string; accountType: string; cardNumber: string; cardScheme: string; cardType: string; cardholderName: string; customerId: string; defaultAccount: boolean; expiryDateMonth: string; expiryDateYear: string; links: WestpacQuickStreamLinks[]; maskedCardNumber4Digits: string; panType: string; walletProvider: string }; customerReferenceNumber: string; debtRepayment: boolean; directEntryAccount?: { accountName: string; currency: string; directEntryUserId: string; directEntryUserName?: string; displayName: string; remitterName: string; settlementAccountNumber: string; settlementBsb: string }; fraudGuardResult: string | null; ipAddress: string; links: WestpacQuickStreamLinks[]; merchantAccount?: { acquiringInstitution: string; currency: string; displayName: string; merchantId: string; merchantName: string; settlementAccountNumber: string; settlementBsb: string; settlementSurchargeAccountNumber?: string; settlementSurchargeBsb?: string }; merchantAdviceCode: string; merchantCountry?: string; merchantLocation?: string; merchantName?: string; merchantPostCode?: string; merchantState?: string; merchantStreetAddress?: string; metadata: Record<string, string>; networkTransactionId?: string; nzBankAccount?: { accountToken: string; accountType: string; currency: string; customerId: string; defaultAccount: boolean; displayName: string; links: WestpacQuickStreamLinks[]; nzAccountName: string; nzAccountNumber: string; nzAccountSuffix: string; nzBankCode: string; nzBranchCode: string }; nzDirectEntryAccount?: { currency: string; debitUserId: string; displayName: string; nzAccountName: string; nzAccountNumber: string; nzAccountSuffix: string; nzBankCode: string; nzBranchCode: string }; originalReceiptNumber?: string; paymentReferenceNumber: string; principalAmount: { amount: number; currency: string; displayAmount: string }; receiptNumber: string; refundable: boolean; responseCode: string; responseDescription: string; settlementDate: string; source: string; status: string; subMerchantId?: string; summaryCode: string; surchargeAmount: { amount: number; currency: string; displayAmount: string }; totalAmount: { amount: number; currency: string; displayAmount: string }; transactionTime: string; transactionType: string; voidable: boolean }; type: WestpacQuickStreamSubmissionEvent["type"] }
_BaseFormStoreRecord: { _id: string; device?: S3SubmissionDataDevice; externalId?: string; formsAppId?: number; ipAddress?: string; jobId?: string; key?: FormSubmissionMeta["key"]; submission: S3SubmissionData["submission"]; submissionId: string; user?: UserProfile }

Type declaration