Filter for a single property in a Form Store Record
Filters available for filter Form Store Records
Filter results by the date/time they were submitted
Filter results by the externalId
Filter results by the submission data
Filter results by the submissionId, must be a valid GUID
Filter results by the user that submitted
Filter results by the task that was completed by submitting a form
Filter results by the task name
Filter results by the task action that was used to complete a task
Filter results by the task action label
Filter results by the task group that included the task
Filter results by the task group name
Filter results by the task group instance that included the task
Filter results by the task group instance label
Filters available for filter Form Store Records
Sort the results by multiple properties
Unwind repeatable set entries to denormalise data, this makes data cleaner for tabular data purposes
Export Form Store Records as a CSV file. This function will download the file automatically.
await formStoreService.exportFormStoreRecords({
formId: 1,
Name of the file to download. ".csv" will be added to the end of the file name if not passed
Search parameters for filtering, sorting, and including columns
An AbortSignal to abort the request
Get the available form elements for a form to display form store records
const formId = 1
const { formElements } =
await formStoreService.getFormStoreDefinition(formId)
The identified of the form you want to get the definition of
An AbortSignal to abort the request
Search for Form Store Records
const { formStoreRecords } =
await formStoreService.searchFormStoreRecords({
formId: 1,
paging: {
limit: 50,
offset: 0,
Search parameters for filtering, sorting, and paging
An AbortSignal to abort the request
Form Store Service
Helper functions for handling Form Store Records