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Namespace IntegrationTypes


Type aliases

ConstrainedSecret<T>: T extends Secret ? T : SavedSecret

Type parameters

  • T

DeleteIntegrationValidationResults: { forms: { formId: number; formName: string; integrationEnvironmentIds?: string[] }[]; formsApps: { formsAppId: number; formsAppName: string; integrationEnvironmentIds?: string[] }[] }

Type declaration

  • forms: { formId: number; formName: string; integrationEnvironmentIds?: string[] }[]
  • formsApps: { formsAppId: number; formsAppName: string; integrationEnvironmentIds?: string[] }[]

Type parameters

IntegrationAPINSW<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { products: { liquor?: { apiKey: string; apiSecret: ConstrainedSecret<S> } } }; type: "API_NSW" }

Type parameters

IntegrationBPOINT<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { environments: IntegrationBPOINTEnvironment<S>[] }; type: "BPOINT" }

Type parameters

IntegrationBPOINTEnvironment<S>: { baseUrl: string; billerCode?: string; id: string; isTestMode?: boolean; label: string; merchantNumber: string; password: ConstrainedSecret<S>; shortMerchantName: string; username: string }

Type parameters

Type declaration

  • baseUrl: string
  • Optional billerCode?: string
  • id: string
  • Optional isTestMode?: boolean
  • label: string
  • merchantNumber: string
  • password: ConstrainedSecret<S>
  • shortMerchantName: string
  • username: string
IntegrationBase: { createdAt: Date; organisationId: string; updatedAt: Date }

Type declaration

  • createdAt: Date
  • organisationId: string
  • updatedAt: Date
IntegrationCPHCMS<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { baseUrl: string; clientId: string; clientSecret: ConstrainedSecret<S> }; type: "CP_HCMS" }

Type parameters

IntegrationCPPay<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { baseUrl: string; gateways: IntegrationCPPayGateway<S>[] }; type: "CP_PAY" }

Type parameters

IntegrationCPPayGateway<S>: { clientId: string; clientSecret: ConstrainedSecret<S>; id: string; label: string; paymentType?: number }

Type parameters

Type declaration

  • clientId: string
  • clientSecret: ConstrainedSecret<S>
  • id: string
  • label: string
  • Optional paymentType?: number
IntegrationCivica<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { environments: IntegrationCivicaEnvironment<S>[] }; type: "CIVICA" }

Type parameters

IntegrationCivicaEnvironment<S>: { baseUrl: string; id: string; label: string; password: ConstrainedSecret<S>; username: string }

Type parameters

Type declaration

IntegrationFreshdesk<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { apiKey: ConstrainedSecret<S>; baseUrl: string }; type: "FRESHDESK" }

Type parameters

IntegrationGeoscape<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { apiKey: ConstrainedSecret<S> }; type: "GEOSCAPE" }

Type parameters

IntegrationGoogleMaps<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { keys: IntegrationGoogleMapsKey<S>[] }; type: "GOOGLE_MAPS" }

Type parameters

IntegrationGoogleMapsKey<S>: { apiKey: ConstrainedSecret<S>; id: string; label: string; type: "SEARCH" }

Type parameters

Type declaration

IntegrationMailGun<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { apiKey: ConstrainedSecret<S>; domain: string; userVariables?: ({ key: string } & ({ text: string; type: "TEXT" } | { type: "ENVIRONMENT_NAME" | "FORM_DESCRIPTION" | "FORM_ID" | "SUBMISSION_ID" | "EXTERNAL_ID" }))[] }; type: EmailSendingAddressMailgun["type"] }

Type parameters

IntegrationNSWGovPay<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { primaryAgencies: IntegrationNSWGovPayPrimaryAgency<S>[] }; type: "NSW_GOV_PAY" }

Type parameters

IntegrationNSWGovPayPrimaryAgency<S>: { callingSystem: string; clientId: string; clientSecret: ConstrainedSecret<S>; id: string; isNonProd: boolean; jwtPublicKey: string; label: string; subAgencyCodes?: string[] }

Type parameters

Type declaration

  • callingSystem: string

    The unique identifier that NSW GovPay need to validate primary agency details

  • clientId: string

    The client identifier used for Auth2.0 authentication

  • clientSecret: ConstrainedSecret<S>

    The client secret used for Auth2.0 authentication

  • id: string

    Identifier used to link to a form payment event

  • isNonProd: boolean

    Set to true to use the non-prod version by changing the domain used for all requests to NSW GovPay.

  • jwtPublicKey: string

    The public key used to verify JSON web token to validate a payment

  • label: string

    Displayed to team members when configuring form payment events

  • Optional subAgencyCodes?: string[]

    Optional codes that will ensure the payment goes to the correct agency within NSW GovPay

IntegrationNylas: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { grants: IntegrationNylasGrant[] }; type: "NYLAS" }
IntegrationNylasGrant: { nylasGrantId: string }

Type declaration

  • nylasGrantId: string
IntegrationPoint<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { environments: IntegrationPointEnvironment<S>[] }; type: "POINT" }

Type parameters

IntegrationPointEnvironment<S>: { apiKey: ConstrainedSecret<S>; id: string; label: string }

Type parameters

Type declaration

IntegrationRecaptcha<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { domains: IntegrationRecaptchaDomain<S>[] }; type: "RECAPTCHA" }

Type parameters

IntegrationRecaptchaDomain<S>: { id: string; label: string; privateKey: ConstrainedSecret<S>; publicKey: string; type?: RecaptchaKeyType }

Type parameters

Type declaration

IntegrationTrim<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { environments: IntegrationTrimEnvironment<S>[] }; type: "TRIM" }

Type parameters

IntegrationTrimEnvironment<S>: { baseUrl: string; id: string; label: string; password: ConstrainedSecret<S>; username: string }

Type parameters

Type declaration

IntegrationWestpacQuickStream<S>: IntegrationBase & { configuration: { environments: IntegrationWestpacQuickStreamEnvironment<S>[] }; type: "WESTPAC_QUICK_STREAM" }

Type parameters

IntegrationWestpacQuickStreamEnvironment<S>: { id: string; isTestMode: boolean; label: string; publishableApiKey: string; secretApiKey: ConstrainedSecret<S>; supplierBusinessCode: string }

Type parameters

Type declaration

  • id: string
  • isTestMode: boolean
  • label: string
  • publishableApiKey: string
  • secretApiKey: ConstrainedSecret<S>
  • supplierBusinessCode: string
RawSecret: string
RecaptchaKeyType: "INVISIBLE" | "CHECKBOX"
SavedSecret: { secretPointer: number }

Type declaration

  • secretPointer: number