Date and time the booking ends
if the booking has been rescheduled, otherwise false
Location of booking
Date and time the booking starts
The unique identifier for the submission associated with the booking
Create a Nylas Session
const { sessionId, configurationId, bookingRef, name, email } =
await schedulingService.createNylasExistingBookingSession(
// use sessionId and configurationId/bookingRef to create or modify nylas bookings
Create a Nylas Session
const {
} = await schedulingService.createNylasNewBookingSession(
// use sessionId and configurationId/bookingRef to create or modify nylas bookings
// use formSubmissionResult to execute post submission action for form
Pass in query string parameters after navigation to your app via a valid cancellation link.
import queryString from 'query-string'
const query = queryString.parse(
const bookingToCancel =
await schedulingService.handleCancelSchedulingBookingQuerystring(query)
The policy to display to users when asked why they are cancelling the booking
The end time of the booking
The event name
The location of the event
The nylas edit hash associated with the booking
The start time of the booking
The unique identifier for the submission associated with the booking
The timezone the booking was booked in
Pass in query string parameters after a redirect back to your app after a
booking is processed. Will return a SchedulingBooking and the submission
result from the original submission before redirecting to
. If the booking has been rescheduled, the submission
result will not be returned.
import queryString from 'query-string'
const query = queryString.parse(
const { booking, formSubmissionResult } =
await schedulingService.handleSchedulingQuerystring(query)
Scheduling Service
Helper functions for scheduling booking handling