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Namespace schedulingService

Helper functions for scheduling booking handling

import { schedulingService } from '@oneblink/apps'


Type aliases

SchedulingBooking: { endTime: Date; isReschedule: boolean; location: string | undefined; startTime: Date; submissionId: string }

Type declaration

  • endTime: Date

    Date and time the booking ends

  • isReschedule: boolean

    true if the booking has been rescheduled, otherwise false

  • location: string | undefined

    Location of booking

  • startTime: Date

    Date and time the booking starts

  • submissionId: string

    The unique identifier for the submission associated with the booking


  • createNylasExistingBookingSession(submissionId: string, abortSignal: AbortSignal): Promise<{ bookingRef: string | undefined; configurationId: string; email: string | undefined; name: string | undefined; sessionId: string }>
  • Create a Nylas Session


    const { sessionId, configurationId, bookingRef, name, email } =
    await schedulingService.createNylasExistingBookingSession(
    // use sessionId and configurationId/bookingRef to create or modify nylas bookings


    • submissionId: string
    • abortSignal: AbortSignal

    Returns Promise<{ bookingRef: string | undefined; configurationId: string; email: string | undefined; name: string | undefined; sessionId: string }>

  • createNylasNewBookingSession(submissionId: string, abortSignal: AbortSignal): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<typeof createNylasExistingBookingSession>> & { onBookingConfirmed: any }>
  • Create a Nylas Session


    const {
    } = await schedulingService.createNylasNewBookingSession(
    // use sessionId and configurationId/bookingRef to create or modify nylas bookings
    // use formSubmissionResult to execute post submission action for form


    • submissionId: string
    • abortSignal: AbortSignal

    Returns Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<typeof createNylasExistingBookingSession>> & { onBookingConfirmed: any }>

  • handleCancelSchedulingBookingQuerystring(options: Record<string, unknown>): { cancellationPolicy?: string; endTime: Date; eventName: string; location: string; nylasEditHash: string; startTime: Date; submissionId: string; timezone: string }
  • Pass in query string parameters after navigation to your app via a valid cancellation link.


    import queryString from 'query-string'

    const query = queryString.parse(window.location.search)

    const bookingToCancel =
    await schedulingService.handleCancelSchedulingBookingQuerystring(query)


    • options: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns { cancellationPolicy?: string; endTime: Date; eventName: string; location: string; nylasEditHash: string; startTime: Date; submissionId: string; timezone: string }

    • Optional cancellationPolicy?: string

      The policy to display to users when asked why they are cancelling the booking

    • endTime: Date

      The end time of the booking

    • eventName: string

      The event name

    • location: string

      The location of the event

    • nylasEditHash: string

      The nylas edit hash associated with the booking

    • startTime: Date

      The start time of the booking

    • submissionId: string

      The unique identifier for the submission associated with the booking

    • timezone: string

      The timezone the booking was booked in

  • Pass in query string parameters after a redirect back to your app after a booking is processed. Will return a SchedulingBooking and the submission result from the original submission before redirecting to scheduling.bookingUrl. If the booking has been rescheduled, the submission result will not be returned.


    import queryString from 'query-string'

    const query = queryString.parse(window.location.search)

    const { booking, formSubmissionResult } =
    await schedulingService.handleSchedulingQuerystring(query)


    • options: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Promise<{ booking: schedulingService.SchedulingBooking; formSubmissionResult?: FormSubmissionResult }>