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  • All

Namespace ScheduledTasksTypes


Type aliases

ChangeStatusTaskAction: EditedChangeStatusAction & WithVersion
DayOfWeek: "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" | "SAT" | "SUN"
EditedChangeStatusAction: NewChangeStatusTaskAction & { taskActionId: string }
EditedFormTaskAction: NewFormTaskAction & { taskActionId: string }
EditedTask: NewTask & { taskId: string }
EditedTaskGroup: NewTaskGroup & { taskGroupId: string }
FormTaskAction: EditedFormTaskAction & WithVersion
LinkedResource: { label: string; url: string }

Type declaration

  • label: string
  • url: string
NewChangeStatusTaskAction: BaseTaskAction & { status: "COMPLETE"; type: "CHANGE_STATUS" }
NewFormTaskAction: BaseTaskAction & { formId: number; type: "FORM" }
NewTaskGroup: { formsAppEnvironmentId: number; name: string; organisationId: string; taskIds: Task["taskId"][] }

Type declaration

  • formsAppEnvironmentId: number

    The related forms app environment id that this task group belongs to

  • name: string

    The label of the task group

  • organisationId: string

    The organisation id that this task group belongs to

  • taskIds: Task["taskId"][]

    The identifiers of tasks that the task group will show within a Forms App. The order of the identifiers is respected when displayingActions

Task: EditedTask & WithVersion