  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Namespace SubmissionEventTypes


Type aliases

ApprovalFormsInclusionConfiguration: { approvalFormsInclusion?: { value: "ALL" } | { approvalStepLabels: string[]; value: "PARTIAL" } }

Type declaration

  • Optional approvalFormsInclusion?: { value: "ALL" } | { approvalStepLabels: string[]; value: "PARTIAL" }
BPOINTSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: { crn2?: string; crn3?: string; elementId: string; environmentId: string }; type: "BPOINT" }
BaseFormSubmissionProcessing: { bucketName: string; developerKey?: DeveloperKeyReference; externalId?: string; formId: number; formsAppEnvironmentId: number; formsAppId?: number; isDraft: boolean; key: string; keyId?: string; organisationId: string; submissionId: string; submissionTimestamp: string; timezone: string; user?: UserProfile } & S3SubmissionTags
CPHCMSSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: PDFConfiguration & { categories?: { id: string; name: string }[]; contentTypeName: string; encryptPdf?: boolean; encryptedElementIds?: string[]; notificationElementId?: string; tags?: string[] }; type: "CP_HCMS" }
CPIntegrationHubWebhookSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: { formId?: number; url: string }; type: "CP_INTEGRATION_HUB_WEBHOOK" }
CPPaySubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: { elementId: string; gatewayId: string }; type: "CP_PAY" }
CallbackSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & EndpointConfigurationCallback
CivicaCrmSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: PDFConfiguration & { civicaCategory: CivicaRecord; civicaCustomerContactMethod: CivicaCustomerContactMethod; environmentId: string; mapping: CivicaCrmSubmissionEventMapping[] }; type: "CIVICA_CRM" }
CivicaCrmSubmissionEventMapping: { civicaCategoryItemNumber: number; formElementId: string; isDescription: boolean }

Type declaration

  • civicaCategoryItemNumber: number

    The item number of the civica category to map the OB form field to.

  • formElementId: string

    The elementId of the field to map to the civica category.

  • isDescription: boolean
CivicaCustomerContactMethod: { code: string; description: string }

Type declaration

  • code: string
  • description: string
CivicaRecord: { id: number; label: string }

Type declaration

  • id: number
  • label: string
EmailConfiguration: ApprovalFormsInclusionConfiguration & { bccEmail?: string[]; ccEmail?: string[]; email?: string; emailAttachmentsEndpoint?: EndpointConfiguration; emailSubjectLine?: string; emailTemplate?: { id: number; mapping: PdfSubmissionEventEmailTemplateMapping[] }; excludedAttachmentElementIds?: string[]; toEmail?: string[] }
EmailOnlySubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: EmailConfiguration; type: "EMAIL" }
FormEventBase: FormEventConditional & { isRetryable?: boolean; label?: string }
FormEventConditional: { conditionallyExecute?: boolean; conditionallyExecutePredicates?: ConditionalPredicate[]; requiresAllConditionallyExecutePredicates?: boolean }

Type declaration

  • Optional conditionallyExecute?: boolean

    Whether the submission event should be conditionally executed.

  • Optional conditionallyExecutePredicates?: ConditionalPredicate[]

    Array of the conditional predicates.

  • Optional requiresAllConditionallyExecutePredicates?: boolean

    Whether the conditional execution requires all predicates to be true as opposed to one.

FormEventType: FormEvent["type"]
FormPaymentEventType: FormPaymentEvent["type"]
FormSchedulingEvent: NylasSubmissionEvent
FormSchedulingEventType: FormSchedulingEvent["type"]

Type parameters

  • T = undefined

FormSubmissionProcessingEvent<T>: BaseFormSubmissionProcessing & { attempt: number; delayInSeconds: number; formSubmissionWorkflowEventId: number; maxAttempts: number; submissionEvent: T; type: "EVENT" }

Type parameters

  • T

FormSubmissionProcessingFormStore: BaseFormSubmissionProcessing & { type: "FORM_STORE" }
FormWorkflowEventType: FormWorkflowEvent["type"]
FreshdeskAddNoteToTicketSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: ApprovalFormsInclusionConfiguration; type: "FRESHDESK_ADD_NOTE_TO_TICKET" }
FreshdeskCreateTicketSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: ApprovalFormsInclusionConfiguration & { mapping: FreshdeskSubmissionEventFieldMapping[] }; type: "FRESHDESK_CREATE_TICKET" }
FreshdeskSubmissionEventFieldMapping: { freshdeskFieldName: string } & ({ formElementId: string; mapping: FreshdeskSubmissionEventFieldMapping; type: "FORM_FORM_ELEMENT" } | { formElementId: string; type: "FORM_ELEMENT" } | { type: "VALUE"; value: number | string | boolean } | { dependentFieldValue: { category: string; item: string; subCategory: string }; type: "DEPENDENT_FIELD_VALUE" } | { type: "SUBMISSION_ID" } | { type: "EXTERNAL_ID" })
NSWGovPaySubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: { customerReference?: string; elementId: string; primaryAgencyId: string; productDescription: string; subAgencyCode?: string }; type: "NSW_GOV_PAY" }
NewWebhookSubscription: { callbackUrl: string; formId?: number; keyId: string; label?: string; organisationId: string; trigger?: "AFTER_SUBMISSION" | "AFTER_APPROVAL" }

Type declaration

  • callbackUrl: string
  • Optional formId?: number
  • keyId: string
  • Optional label?: string
  • organisationId: string
  • Optional trigger?: "AFTER_SUBMISSION" | "AFTER_APPROVAL"
NylasSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: PDFConfiguration & { emailDescription?: string; emailElementId?: string; nameElementId?: string; nylasConfigurationId: string; nylasGrantId: string }; type: "NYLAS" }
OneBlinkAPISubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & EndpointConfigurationAPI
PDFConfiguration: ApprovalFormsInclusionConfiguration & { excludedCSSClasses?: string[]; excludedElementIds?: string[]; includeCalendarBookingInPdf?: boolean; includeExternalIdInPdf?: boolean; includePaymentInPdf?: boolean; includeSubmissionIdInPdf?: boolean; pdfFileName?: string; pdfSize?: FormSubmissionPDFPageSize; usePagesAsBreaks?: boolean }
PdfSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: PDFConfiguration & EmailConfiguration; type: "PDF" }
PdfSubmissionEventEmailTemplateMapping: { mustacheTag: string } & ({ formElementId: string; type: "FORM_ELEMENT" } | { text: string; type: "TEXT" })
PowerAutomateFlowSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: { formId?: number; url: string }; type: "POWER_AUTOMATE_FLOW" }
S3SubmissionTags: { externalId?: string; jobId?: string; previousFormSubmissionApprovalId?: string; userToken?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional externalId?: string

    No longer stored as an S3 tag. It is now stored in the S3 object JSON data.

  • Optional jobId?: string
  • Optional previousFormSubmissionApprovalId?: string
  • Optional userToken?: string

    username should be stored as a claim in token instead of using userToken when submitting forms using a developer key.

TrimSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: PDFConfiguration & { actionDefinition?: TrimUriOption; author?: TrimUriOption; container: TrimUriOption; environmentId: string; groupFiles?: boolean; location?: TrimUriOption; recordTitle?: string; recordType: TrimUriOption }; type: "TRIM" }
TrimUriOption: { label: string; uri: number }

Type declaration

  • label: string

    The attribute label.

  • uri: number

    The attribute uri.

WebhookSubmissionEventPayload: { externalId?: string; formId: number; formsAppId?: number; isDraft: boolean; jobId?: string; secret?: string; submissionId: string; submissionTimestamp: string; userToken?: string; username?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional externalId?: string
  • formId: number
  • Optional formsAppId?: number
  • isDraft: boolean
  • Optional jobId?: string
  • Optional secret?: string
  • submissionId: string
  • submissionTimestamp: string
  • Optional userToken?: string
  • Optional username?: string
WebhookSubscription: NewWebhookSubscription & { createdAt: string; id: number }
WestpacQuickStreamSubmissionEvent: FormEventBase & { configuration: { customerReferenceNumber: string; elementId: string; environmentId: string }; type: "WESTPAC_QUICK_STREAM" }